Children often experience difficulties exploring feelings states in words. This can be due to not having developed the emotional vocabulary to express themselves or because they can’t make sense of a situation. Therapeutic support can help children feel understood. Having their experiences and/ or emotions validated promotes the child's emotional health and increases emotional literacy. This supports future well-being and resilience during adolescence and adult years.
How I work
I employ a playful and creative therapeutic approach to help explore the child’s thoughts and feelings that may be triggering their difficulties. Within this nurturing and safe space, I support the child’s chosen method i.e. play, art creativity and/ or talk to work through things. Through gentle verbal reflections, I bring to the child's awareness what I understand of their communication.
An assessment is made with the young client's parents/ carers prior to any counselling work. This is an opportunity to gain a background history and form an understanding of presenting difficulties.
Working with Parents/ Carers
I welcome working in partnership with parents/ carers. Once counselling commences, regular consultations ensure that the young client's needs and goals are kept in mind. Discussions can address progress, areas of difficulty and practical strategies to support parents/ carers.